One of my favorite all time movies is “What about Bob”. A successful psychotherapist (Richard Dryfuss) loses his mind trying to help “Bob” played by Bill Murray. Bob is learning Baby Steps to success.
We have all heard that the longest journey begins with the first step. And you have heard me say that getting started is one half done. This blog discusses baby steps that keep the process moving.
Our job with potential prospects is not to meet them today and slam them into our Company or products. But rather to develop a process that leads to their joining as a customer or partner when “they” are ready and highly motivated to do so.
Think of the biggest possible success – selling a career pack, making a whole home retail sale or recruiting the next Presidential Ambassador Executive. All of these are “very” possible for you and in fact very probable.
But, these great accomplishments are much more achievable when we break them down to Baby Steps. Let’s break down one of the core activities of our business, the retail sale and how baby steps work for this.
Our goal is not to sell a unit at the drinking fountain at work. I call that selling “out of bounds”. Instead let’s look at 7 baby steps to Living Water success.
- The initial contact – Baby Step One: Good morning John. Hey there: What is that jug you are carrying? Last night I began drinking some amazing water. It is called Living Water because it is rich in oxygen, hydrogen and is anti-oxidant rich. I am carrying it with me everywhere I go in this special leak proof bottle. Here, try some with your lunch, I’ve got plenty. You won’t believe how good it makes you feel after drinking awhile!
- Later that day at work. Hey John, I will bring you a gallon of that Living Water to work in the morning. Try to drink a gallon in a day. Do you know anyone with Acid Reflux, digestion issues or gout? Living Water is powerful for people with these issues.
- John, did you try that water with making your coffee? Living Water is inexpensive so you can give to fido too! Here are some great letters from major league baseball teams that are using the Living Water. The Texas Rangers installed 7 machines on a big board and take them on the road! Helps them hydrate twice as much as bottled water and the players recover faster after games and workouts.
- John, I brought you a cool DVD today that shows you what you have been drinking. Watch it for me tonight and tell me what you think about all of this. (Note: DVD available from
- John, here is a booklet called optimizing Living Water. Shows you all the different uses for the water. This stuff is good for skin, wounds, cleaning pesticides off vegetables and double hydrates you too!
- John, how about joining me Tuesday on a call conducted by Dr. Richard Urso on Living Water.
- Here is another couple gallons. Maybe you should consider trying out one of these machines at your house. How about if I drop one off for a few days so you can see it work first hand. No obligation. I just want your feedback. How about if I drop one off after work and I will show you some cool test. Have some different bottled water there.
If our goal is to just move people along at their own speed with Baby Steps, we always have a group of people in the baby step cycle.
How about recruiting baby steps?
- Hi Mary. Boy, the cost of fuel, food and everything else just keeps going up. I feel bad for all those people without jobs. But, even if you have a job it is getting scary out there. It cost me over $75.00 to fill my gas tank this morning. On these wages all my money is going to gas and food. I have been looking into some interesting ways of bringing in more funds. I have been looking at the Green Technology Industry. Tell you more later.
- Mary, I washed my families clothes last night with no detergent, bleach or fabric softener. Just cold water if you can believe it. Remember I told you I was checking out the Green Technology Industry. Well I found a winner and their LaundryPure technology from NASA is awesome. I will save almost $500.00 this year on laundry alone! Check out this cool C/D (Suds Free Revolution Continues from, that’s how I heard about this. This Dr. Troy Sanford is really interesting.
- Next morning at work: Check out this blouse! It smells like it hung on the line. No itchy detergent. I am amazed at how this machine works so well and saves me so much money. There is a fortune to be earned with this technology. How about joining me this Monday Night and listen in on the Freedom Call. It last about 20 minutes and you can see how I am going to retire early with this Company!
- Hey Mary, when you come by the house this weekend bring a load of clothes to wash. I will wash them in my new LaundryPure. I am really excited about my new business. I am earning a trip for both Joe and I to Aruba in October – Free just for sharing this awesome Company. I plan to be full-time this time next year! You should look into this with me. I am having a launch event – sure would like to have you there to support me. How about attending my Healthy Home Showcase Saturday morning.
- Got to leave right after work to get to my “office”. Mary: You have an office?” Yup – I set it up in the spare room. Got my computer, desk, goal board all operating. I have a conference call tonight with the CEO of the Company from Dallas. Why don’t you let me 3 way you in to listen to what I am doing? I will call you at 7:50 and 3 way you in. What is the best number to call you?
- After the call: Hey Mary. Was that not exciting? Let me bring you a package from the Company to work in the morning. There is some great information on DVD and C/D. Maybe we can both make a bunch of money and get out of the grind we have been in!
- Here is the package (Getting started kit) I told you I would bring. Why don’t we stop after work at Denny’s? My treat. We can go over the kit and talk about how we could work together.
Retailing and Recruiting is a process not an event. Remember to keep good records of your key activities and indicators. Many of my team mates keep a white board on their office wall with baby steps people are at so they make sure they keep people moving forward. I keep mine in my day planner.
Here are 10 potential Baby-Steps:
- Attend Monday Night Freedom Call 712-775-7085 Password 579301# 10 pm eastern
- Attend a BBB Business Breakfast Briefing – 90 minutes at a home
- Attend a HHS Healthy Home Showcase – 55 minutes
- Host a HHS with Host Rewards – 55 minutes
- One on One Business Showcase Presentation with PowerPoint (Available from
- 3 way call with upline partner
- Attend Tuesday Night Corporate Call
- Attend Salad Luncheon with Healthy Home and Body presentation
- Watch Sizzle Show at
- Evaluate technology at
Mike Jackson
Is the foundation in building a successful business.
Great and simple to duplicate baby steps.