As you begin your Vollara career either part-time or full-time, belief will either make or break you.
Our belief systems determine our activities and our activities determine our results. This is a pretty big statement that deserves some explanation.
First, our beliefs determine our activities. We act upon what we believe is true. Let me give an analogy. If I told you I would send you an extra $500.00 bonus for each guest you bring to this months Vollara business meetings, those of you that “really” believed this to be true would have 25, 50 or even 100 guest at events this month. Are you with me?
Herein comes the belief part: I believe it is easily worth an average of $500.00 per guest that you bring to Vollara events. Just one Fresh Air Surround has about $400 in profit, one Living Water over $1000 and a Whole Home Protection Package even more. The income potential when someone joins your team is even greater. So, why don’t we bring lots of guest to each and every event? The answer is because we don’t believe the latter part of my example. We already decided it was not a matter of “getting” someone to come that is the issue. If the reward is big enough – we will find a way to get them to the event. If there is a Healthy Home Showcase, Potluck, Regional event or a webinar or conference call, if we believe the reward is big enough, we can get them there.
Around 1975, my church was having a big special day. A travel agent in the church made a big offer. The husband and wife team that brings the most guests to the big day will be treated to an all expense paid vacation to Mexico. Nata and I had never even flown on an airplane or been out of the country. We went to work. It was a sense of urgency that defined us. Without spending time on the details, on that big day we had 74 guests and the second place team had 17.
When I raced 900 horsepower Super Late Model Race Cars, if I believed my crew chief had the car set up properly, I would make a pass on the outside of a car at 150 miles per hour inches away from the cement wall. If I don’t believe the set up is right, I will follow the leader around the track. It really doesn’t matter what the car set up is, it is what I BELIEVE that matters.
If I believe Fresh Air cleans the air and kills germs, bacteria, mold and more on surfaces and will have a major positive impact on people’s lives, then I will talk to people that cross my path. If is my belief that brings the positive results.
A little doubt
On the other hand, if just a little doubt infects my belief, then every time I am challenged, my doubt will grow as my belief is diminished. Belief can make us bullet proof. No one can cause me to doubt our product, our Company or our opportunity! My belief will be so strong, the things I hear bounce off like steel-plated armor.
One coat of belief paint everyday makes a rock-hard suit of armor over time.
- Use the product and develop your own belief system. Does the product work for you? If so, is there any reason to believe it won’t work for others too?
- Learn to give your Company the benefit of the doubt. Have they kept their word in the past? Does the Company’s track record show you we will be there for you as we have in the past?
- Make it your responsibility to keep in constant contact with your upline and the Company. You only have a few upline leaders and they most likely have lots in their downline to keep in contact with. Trust me when I say your upline leaders and the Company love to have folks like you that want to talk about the business.
- Work on lots of small successes. Everyone would love to be an instant Vollara Executive. When I was building my business back in the 70’s and 80’s, I used to fear that I would go across the stage to be awarded the highest rank in my Company with a cane in my 80’s because it took so long to reach my goals! Success comes in lots of small victories. Each small victory, whether it is a sale or a new partner, builds our belief system.
- Do something every day. One of my early mentors lived in North Dakota two hours from the nearest jackrabbit. On cold winter days he lived his motto of “Do something everyday for the business – keep moving forward he would say. “
- Invest in your most valuable asset – YOU. What have you read or listened to today? Make a commitment to spend at least 30 minutes a day reading or listening to a C/D. Call the Company Store M.A.C. Services at – 1-800-378-6005 or go online at and invest in some good inexpensive materials.
As you begin your Vollara Career, the first and most important sale of all is you!
Wishing you the very best in your Vollara future,
Mike Jackson
National Field Leader and Co-Owner Vollara
I really appreciate your videos and inspiration Mike; thank you. I hope to make this work for my family;
Judy Lewis