If you are not making the progress you want to make and are capable of achieving…
It is because your Goals are not clearly defined!
These words were penned nearly a decade ago by J. Paul Meyer who is considered by many to be one of the early founders of personal development thinking. If I could master one skill in my life, it would be the Art of Setting and Achieving Goals. You and I can change our lives by changing our goals. Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Whatever fills a persons mind tends to become real in his experiences. When you have developed a burning desire to achieve something, you have set a firm date of achieving it, have committed this to writing, it is amazing how everything tends to line up to cause this desire to become reality. Notice I said burning desire and not just an “it would be nice to be successful attitude.” The People, Customers, Investors, Product and Plan all tend to be attracted to our life when we apply goal setting procedures and then act with passion on these. I have experienced this hundreds of times, and to this day continue to commit my desires and dreams to a specific goal setting process.
About ten years ago I hired John Goddard to speak for me at a convention. At age 15 John sat down in his bedroom and committed to paper everything he wanted to achieve when he grew up. His first list was 127 goals. You can read all of the 127 goals and see which are checked off as achieved in his book called “John Goddard – World’s Greatest Goal Achiever – The Survivor”. You can get one at www.myvollaratools.com.
He wrote down everything that came into his head. His list had hundreds of desires like exploring all the great rivers in the world, becoming an Eagle Scout, holding his breath under water for two and a half minutes, climbing all the great mountains, meeting certain people, flying beyond the speed of sound and even stepping on the surface of the moon. John has been interviewed on all the talk shows including on TV over 200 times, met with Presidents, and traveled the world and more. To date he has achieved over 90% of the goals he wrote at age 15. (He still has not set foot on the moon, but hasn’t ruled it out!)
I climbed to the top of a mountain with John when he was 80 years plus. John is an amazing man. I am convinced that setting his life goals at age 15 and then committing to a plan to achieve these goals transformed John’s life. He has now visited 107 countries and is far from done with his goal setting and achieving.
Most people plan their vacation more than they plan their life. Setting and achieving goals is much more than making money or getting things. I set goals for most everything including my health, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight, relationships, learning and growing mentally, net worth, solving problems – basically everything gets a date, written down, discussed with my closest friends and family and acted on relentlessly. I have used this process to build hundreds in millions of sales dollars and much more. I have a goal to take a photo of the extinct Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Nata says it’s not going to happen – we will see about that!
So what are the top 5 reasons you MUST succeed with Vollara? Why do you want to be a Level 6 Executive? Is the bonus car you can earn at L6 important to you and your family? Does the feelings of setting this goal and achieving it bring great personal feelings in you? How about a nice year-end bonus check on a World Class Vacation with Vollara. What would you do with this money? How about firing your boss? Have you seen the commercial where all the people are leaving an office building and they are throwing their briefcases up in the air – Free, Free at last? How would it feel to leave that office for good and have an even bigger income and be free at last?
I ask each person I sign up to give me a list of the top 5 reasons they must succeed. Then we get specific with a GPA or their Goals, Plan and Action with Accountability. The good news is you get to decide. With Vollara, nobody can tell you how high or how fast you can go. You decide.
See more about the importance of goal setting on my success coaching site or watch the video below.
Mike Jackson
Thanks Jim! Your a winner. Always remember our first meeting and discussions. Maybe we will work together again someday!
Mike Jackson
Great blog and video Mike. Goals are how I made my ranks and earned my 3 bonus cars. I teach goal setting around the world today and I live a better, more successful life because of goal setting. Thanks for the years of coaching from yourself, Mitchell Tolle, and Duke Duvall.
Blessings To YOU and yours,
Mike, Really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you so much for giving back to all of us. You are one of the people who motivates & inspires me to do more than I think I possibly can. Your passion & belief challenges me to step out of my comfort zone & continue to learn, grow and persist. I love the way you break down goals & goal setting, then taking action on those goals consistently. You are a blessing Mr. Jackson, to so many. God Bless you always!